Step 13: Don’t Do Stuff You Hate

Step Thirteen is all about the importance of aligning your work with your passions and interests.

At Career Hackers, we advise against doing things you genuinely dislike. Pursuing a career that aligns with your interests and values not only leads to greater job satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of success.

Don’t settle for a career that doesn’t resonate with you—explore opportunities that ignite your passion and enthusiasm.

Top Courses To Help You Do Things You Love

Are you ready love what you do? 

At Career Hackers, we have joined forces with the finest online education centers worldwide to help you learn skills and signal the value you create with them.

Time to take the next step and start loving your life. Get new opportunities with the selections below.


Skillshare offers thousands of courses on creative subjects, so you can take only what you want and start building those skills!


With Coursera, you can find courses that interest you and take advantage of them. With 7 days for free, you can try the ones you want!


Who doesn’t like experimenting with AI? With DataCamp’s free ChatGPT course, you can play around with AI, no strings attached, FOR FREE!

Tips and Tricks To Hacking Your Career
More Helpful Guides & Resources

How to Build a Career and Life You Love

Derek Magill dropped out of college, started working for free, and built a career from scratch with his own audacity. Find out how to do the same.

Bargain for what you want to do

In a sea of opportunities, don’t settle for less.

Learn when, how, and why you should negotiate job offers.

Don’t do stuff you hate.

When it comes to improving your life you’re probably making it harder than it has to be.
Stop focusing on what you want, start focusing on what you hate.