

Featured, Learn Out Loud 14 Mar 2022

100 Ways to Work Out Loud

How to work out loud?Well, what kind of project are you the most invested in: the one that suddenly pops up out of nowhere or the one you've been watching unfold for months?This is the basic principle of working out loud. By showing the process of your work, you...


5 Empowered Mindsets to Build a New Career in Design

You may have forgotten how much personal power you have. The truth is, no matter where you are in life, this very moment is a chance to move in a new direction. You can learn new skills, make new connections, and build a brand new career that makes you come alive,...

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What Are The Most Common Entrepreneurship Challenges New Founders Face?

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, a fact starkly illuminated by these figures:

5 Empowered Mindsets to Build a New Career in Design

You may have forgotten how much personal power you have. The truth is, no matter
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Embrace Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is the pathway to personal and professional growth, especially today in the age
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Revolutionize Your Job Hunt: Unleash Your Inner Fire

Following is a super valuable, guest post from Sam Harper who’s a substantial coach with

Will AI Replace My Job? How to Adapt in an Ever-Changing Market

There’s an understandable concern that AI will replace people’s jobs. In particular software engineering jobs.

Unleash Your Career Potential: 5 Essential Elements for Career Hacking

I get it, your job isn’t always the stuff of dreams. There are those projects