Recapping this week’s DJH

Mindsets for Success

Solve Problems

What problems can you solve for a specific person, or a certain company?

Get concrete.

– Create an email drip campaign for a company
– Write a blog post about why you love an influencer’s work, then Tweet it at him
– Create a new logo for a company
– If you want a sales role, send a list of 100 new leads

What matters at the end of the day is, did you create value?

Just-In-Time Learning

When you adopt an empowered mindset of learning-by-doing, you begin to learn things as they come up on the job, because they are necessary.

This is what we call Just-In-Time learning, vs. the Just-In-Case learning that happened in school (“you might someday need to apply this algebra formula to real life.”).

This is why a growth mindset is one of the top soft skills employers want. Bet on yourself and your ability to learn, and good things happen!

Quote of the Week

“How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?”

— Seth Godin

Quit Forcing Yourself to Do Things

There’s a conventional wisdom that discipline = forcing yourself to behave a certain way.

It’s a means-to-an-end psychology. Suffer now, enjoy things later.

But is this really necessary?

Reframe your mindset. Can you begin to see the intrinsic benefits of a given activity?

– feel the flow state when you sit down to write
– get needs met for growth and progress as you tackle the next step on a project
– feel endorphins and release stress as you workout
– enjoy the sunrise as you wake up earlier

And so on.

You want to let go of any role-playing too, e.g. be a “noble” person, a “good” employee, a “healthy” person.

These standard mindsets we learned in school growing up. But you can let it all go now.

Stop doing things for external reasons.

Do them because you value yourself, you love yourself, and you get to experience the benefits.

That’s the foundation for a life and career you get excited about.

and the DJH team

The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌