Step 18: Don’t Take Anything Personally

Step Eighteen reminds you not to take things personally in your professional life. Criticism, rejection, and conflicts are part of the journey.

Career Hackers encourages you to develop a thick skin and detach your personal worth from external feedback.

By doing so, you can maintain emotional resilience and stay focused on your goals.

Top Tools To Help You On Your Job-Hunt

Are you ready to get your dream job?

At Career Hackers, we have joined forces with the finest online education centers worldwide, granting you unparalleled access to acquire new skills that will fundamentally transform your professional trajectory.

Step into your true potential and take your career to new heights with our carefully curated programs.

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With Udacity, you can strengthen your skills and learn new skills to be a better, more marketable you. 


Coursera offers courses, degrees, and certificates in various subjects so you can find what you truly want to do.


Get creative with Skillshare and find what’s next for you through courses taught by experts in their field. 

Tips and Tricks To Hacking Your Career
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Whether you’re living for the weekends or counting the minutes until 5 pm every day, life is too short to wish it away because you feel stuck in your job.