This post originally appeared as issue 17 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Break the rules

You were probably taught to follow rules. (Thanks again, school).

So understandably, as an adult you may look at job posting “requirements” as set in stone.

But they’re not!

Lots of companies suck at writing job postings. Don’t blindly obey. Create value and show value. Prove you are awesome (you ARE awesome, b-t-dubs).

This doesn’t mean become a troublemaker. But if you feel that ting of self-doubt about standing out on your job hunt, out of fear of breaking the rules, you can let that go.

Be bold. Companies will love you.

Got laid off? Give companies gifts.

When you get laid off, it’s okay to feel mad or sad. But then what? Our friend Charlie Hoehn’s got you covered in his Layoff Recovery Plan (3 min.). He says:

“Figure out a problem they have in their business, then use your skills to create a valuable solution that they can implement. Give it to them for free. That’s a gift.”

Pic of the Day