Step 10: Pitch People

Mastering the skill of effectively presenting your ideas, products, or services can open doors to countless opportunities.

That’s why in Step Ten of Career Hackers, we dive into the art of pitching people.  Learn to craft compelling pitches that resonate with your audience, whether it’s investors, clients, or colleagues.

At Career Hackers, we believe that the ability to pitch is a powerful tool in your professional arsenal, and we’re here to help you perfect it.

Top Courses To Help You Gain New Skills

Are you ready to level up your career?

At Career Hackers, we have joined forces with the finest online education centers worldwide, granting you unparalleled access to acquire new skills that will fundamentally transform your professional trajectory.

Step into your true potential and take your career to new heights with our carefully curated programs.


Skillshare offers thousands of courses in a variety of creative subjects so you can build your skills and pitch yourself.


With Coursera, you can build the skills you need, without prior experience. Build skills to sell yourself even more with Coursera.

ALL IN ONE PLATFORM! offers personalized tools and resources for career management. If you’re looking for a new job, you can show your professional story and pitch yourself here!

Tips and Tricks To Hacking Your Career
More Helpful Guides & Resources

“You’re Hired” Join Charlie Hoehn’s masterclass

A masterclass tailored so that you can get a job you love, filled with battle-tested content and comes with a lifetime access to a private facebook group.

Pitch your way to the top with this guide!

Our guide to pitching jobs will teach you about pitches and why they work in place of a resume.

Get the job you want on your own terms

An easy-to-follow, nine-step process for how to land your dream job and cut through the noise of job-searching in the 21st century.