DJH: How to Think For Yourself

DJH: How to Think For Yourself

Recapping this week’s DJH Mindsets for Success   End the Permission-Based Mindset There’s a difference between offering value and giving value. Offering value is, “would you like me to design you a new logo?” Giving value is, “I made...
DJH: How to Think For Yourself

DJH 615: How to Start a Blog

Email the Hiring Manager Quit applying and waiting to hear back. Just pitch the hiring manager, in an email. Video pitch. Custom project. A picture of you bench pressing 300 pounds. Something. Email the hiring manager. Do a Blogging Challenge We’ve helped thousands of...
DJH: How to Think For Yourself

DJH 614: do you hate your boss?

Gratitude for Your Boss Do you hate your boss? That’s okay. Acknowledge that part of you who feels the hatred. All your feelings are welcome. And, it’s cool if you feel it’s time to quit. ALSO… Maybe you can stretch yourself. I invite you to...
DJH: How to Think For Yourself

DJH 613: “but I’m just doing my job!”

What’s Your Excuse? I used to tell my students, “excuses only accepted on Sunday mornings at 4 am. Book an appointment at this time and I will hear all your excuses!” I never got any takers. How about you? Are you tempted into the habit of finding...
DJH: How to Think For Yourself

DJH 611: There’s Nothing Wrong With You

End the Permission-Based Mindset There’s a difference between offering value and giving value. Offering value is, “would you like me to design you a new logo?” Giving value is, “I made you a new logo.” Offering value is, “would you...