Invest in Relationships

Think about your daily actions and activities as investments. What value can you create today that will bring you ROI down the line? Keep planting seeds and you will ever-reap the harvest.

This is especially true with relationships (professional and personal). How can you give value (without expectation)?

(If you’re not sure how to start creating value, just be curious and ask interesting questions to learn about people’s stories).

End the Sunday Night Dread – Build a Career in Tech

Are you bored or frustrated with your work? Do you still feel that “Sunday Night Dread?”

What if you took back control of your future, and made an exit plan?

Start building skills in a growing field, like software engineering. 

Enter Flatiron School’s Software Engineering course.

Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is crafted for anyone.

You’ll learn by doing. Throughout the course, if you’re not building and refining code for apps or websites, you’ll be studying, practicing, or attending lectures to learn different coding languages. 

Don’t look back years from now and regret staying in a crappy situation.

Start learning software engineering in as little as 15 weeks. 

Apply today to get started.

Flatiron School Launches Tech Scholarship Alongside Consumer Rewards  Platform

How to Get a Job Without Applying Online

Most jobs are filled outside the applicant pool. So you want to be different and stand out with a pitch and/or work your web of connections and social capital.

Get great tips from Austin Belcak in his recent post How to Get a Job Without Applying Online.

“Of all the job search strategies I’ve tested, there’s one that stands above the rest. I call it a Value Validation Project (or VVP for short). VVPs are kind of like a resume on steroids.”



Quote of the Day

You're gonna die. Do something about it.


The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌