Gratitude for Your Boss

Do you hate your boss?

That’s okay. Acknowledge that part of you who feels the hatred. All your feelings are welcome. And, it’s cool if you feel it’s time to quit.


Maybe you can stretch yourself. I invite you to find appreciation for your boss. What are you grateful for about him or her? Your boss is probably doing something well.

If you take the time to do this (without suppressing the hatred, either), you’ll probably find yourself thinking more clearly about your situation. And feeling more balanced.

Try it out.

(P.S. Really, you are your own boss. The idea that you need to obey anyone at work is likely leftover conditioning from your school experience).

Learn to Code and Build a Thriving Career in Tech

The future is portfolios, not transcripts. 

As time goes one, companies care more about proof-of-work

So to break into a career in coding, you’ll want to build projects.

You’ll get just that at Flatiron School, a coding bootcamp where you’ll go heads down to create actual apps and websites to show to companies what you can really do. 

And as you learn by doing, you’ll feel supported from an unmatched community — from study groups to lab time with instructional staff, and Slack check-ins, students often say their cohort supported them through the program. 

Ride the wave of the future of work. Learn an in-demand skill like coding, in as little as 15 weeks. 

Apply today to get started.

Don’t Be Afraid to Send the Email

Don’t be afraid to send the email. Live a mindset that holds a bias for action.

“An offer to help. A few genuine questions. A project. A pitch. A request for a podcast interview. An offer to intern or work for free or part time. Whatever it is, the key is to send the email!”


Quote of the Day

“If you really want to cut through the noise, you’re going to have to outperform everyone else.”
— Tom Bilyeu


The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌