Follow Your Different

In his book, Zero to One, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel encourages us to break out of the mold and embrace our differences. Thiel believes that schools have taught us to be radical conformists. He thinks that the way to move society forward is to embrace our...

Turn Your Job Hunt Into a Creative Pursuit

Charlie Hoehn graduated from college with impeccable grades, but no one would hire him. His willingness to follow the herd wasn’t helping him stand out from the crowd of recent grads. He was sick of his mom sending him job listings, only to be turned down when...

The Problem with Statistics

The Problem with Statistics Episode of the Forward Tilt PodcastMost books don’t sell, so don’t write one.Most people won’t read your blog, so don’t start one.Most podcasts don’t make it, so don’t start one.Most jobs you pitch won’t hire you, so don’t bother.This is...

Become an Idea Machine

James Altucher is an entrepreneur, author, and podcaster. Every day he flexes his creative muscle by forcing himself to come up with 10 new ideas. He says that most of his ideas are bad, but some of them have merit.James Altucher on Becoming an Idea MachineIf you stop...