Step 27: It will be fun, but it won’t be easy

In our final step, we must set realistic expectations.

Career Hackers acknowledges that the journey to success can be enjoyable and fulfilling but also challenging.

So in Step Twenty-seven, prepare yourself for the ups and downs, and remember that persistence and determination are key to reaching your goals. Embrace the adventure, knowing that the rewards are well worth the effort.

Top Courses To Help You Achieve Your Dreams

Are you ready to discover success?

At Career Hackers, we have joined forces with the finest online education centers worldwide to help you learn skills and signal the value you create with them.

Time to take the next step and start showing your skills. With these courses, you’ll be able to build more skills.

60% OFF!

Udacity offers tons of courses for tech-related fields, like Data Science, AI, Programming, and more. Find what you love and find success.


With Chegg, you can get study help to make the difficult courses a little easier.


ZipJob provides you with resume review for those times when you absolutely must submit one. ZipJob might be the tool you need to succeed.

Tips and Tricks To Hacking Your Career
More Helpful Guides & Resources

Forge Your Own Life

The Essential 11 from Matt Beaudreau, is geared towards young people in the Acton Academy, a self-directed learning center, preparing students to forge their own lives.

Learning is the ultimate resource

With thousands of courses on a wide range of topics, LinkedIn Learning is the ultimate resource for professionals looking to upskill and advance their careers.

Don't Do Stuff You Hate

When it comes to improving your life you’re probably making it harder than it has to be.
Stop focusing on what you want, what you love, what your calling or passion is.
Start focusing on what you hate, what makes you bored, what’s draining your sense of excitement.