Phrases to Be More Curious

When you meet people (IRL or virtually), you want to build social capital (create value) with them. A starting point for this is to be curious about that person! Here are some phrases to get you started in expanding your curiosity as you create value:

“I’d love to hear more about…”
“Tell more more!”
“What inspired you do that?”
“”What projects are you excited about right now?”
“I’m curious….”
“I love how you…”

List of Leads

One of the best ways to land an entry-level sales role is to simply create a list of 10-100 new leads.

Think about the company’s target Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
Find names of companies/people who could be potential customers
Find their email address.
Put in a google spreadsheet.

In other words, start doing the job before you even have it!

Read more in 4 Types of Projects to Create Value.


Meme of the Day

The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌