Know Yourself

The real revolution is the inner revolution.

The more you know yourself and what you want, the more you can aim with precision to actualize The Good Life.

How do you know yourself? Well, here are some things I have done.

– Journal stream of consciousness for 15 minutes a day
– Take daily walks
– Build emotional intelligence to learn about my feelings
Self-Authoring journal program
Sentence completion journal program
– 30-day blogging challenge
IFS Therapy
Belief work
– Holding a bias for action and learning through doing in all areas of life

Self-knowledge is a superpower.

Career Hackers

From employee to entrepreneur: make yourself your own boss and find your ultimate happiness. Join us for this FREE webinar and find if you have what it takes to become your own boss. It’s time to do what will make you happy. 

Join Dan Marzullo for this free webinar to make your dreams a reality. 


Pitch a Startup Job

There are thousands of startup jobs out there. Why not send a custom pitch and start landing some interviews? (Video pitches get an 80% response rate, assuming you follow up as needed).
See cool companies via
P.S. You can pitch a role even when they’re not officially hiring. Create your own role!



Quote of the Day

“Always have an attitude of gratitude.”

— Sterling Brown

The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌