How to Make a Video Pitch (live workshop!)

Yo yo! If you’ve been reading our stuff for any amount of time, then you know that to land a job interview, a video pitch is way, way better than a resume.We’re talking 80% response rate vs. .1% response rate for a resume. No brainer!But sometimes you need...

Top tool recommendations to boost your career

The importance of having the right tools can be summed up in a sentence that labor cannot commence on a construction site without the right tools available at a worker’s disposal.Using the correct tools makes the job easier and your work environment more efficient and...

Compound Your Worth

Would you prefer to have one million dollars in one month, or have a penny, doubled every day for that same month?It’s a popular question that illustrates the power of compounding.  The penny, doubled every day, equals more than five million dollars in a thirty day...