You’ve seen the news. You might be seeing words such as ‘high inflation rates’, ‘layoffs’, ‘down economy’, etc. thrown around like anything. And that makes us scared and fearful and gives us a feeling that makes it difficult to sleep peacefully.

This was the same condition back in October of 2022, when we held our first virtual event, “Supercharge Your Career in a Sh*t Economy”. People listened, learned, engaged in conversations, and grew their networks.

So here’s a list of some of the things they learned from the 2-day event:


To crush the interview:

  1. Research the company and position: Before going to any interview, make sure you know about the company and the position you are applying for. This will help you tailor your pitch to what the company is looking for.
  2. Ask questions: Do not shy away from displaying your curiosity. Show your interest in the company by asking thoughtful and relevant questions during the interview.
  3. Follow up: After the interview, follow up with a thank you note or email to keep yourself on top of their minds.

To land a Remote job:

  1. Research companies that offer remote work: Look for companies that have a culture of remote work or have been known to allow remote work in the past.
  2. Network: Reach out to your professional network and connect with people who work remotely or in the industry you’re interested in. This can help you learn more about remote job opportunities and make valuable connections.
  3. Show your skills: Highlight any relevant experience you have with remote work and use examples to demonstrate your ability to be productive and communicate effectively in a remote setting.

To master copywriting:

  1. Write regularly: The more you write, the better you will become. Set aside time each day or each week to practice your copywriting skills.
  2. Get feedback: Share your work with others and ask for constructive criticism. This will help you identify areas for improvement and grow as a copywriter.
  3. Know your audience: Before you start writing, make sure you have a clear understanding of your target audience and what they want to see from your copy.
  4. Test and refine: Test your copy with a small group and analyze the results. Refine your copy based on what works and what doesn’t.

To start a career without college:

  1. Alternative education: There are many alternative forms of education, such as trade schools, apprenticeships, and online courses, that can provide you with the skills you need for your chosen career.
  2. Real-world experience: Many successful people have gained valuable experience through internships, volunteer work, or self-employment. This real-world experience can be much more valuable than a college degree.
  3. Cost: College can be expensive, and put you in large debt. There are better and cheaper ways to start your career.

To fuel your creative mindset:

  1. Surround yourself with inspiration: Seek out art, music, literature, and other forms of inspiration that spark your creativity.
  2. Take breaks: Taking breaks can help you recharge and come back to your work with fresh ideas.
  3. Keep a journal: Writing down your thoughts and ideas can help you organize your thoughts and come up with new ideas.
  4. Collaborate with others: Working with others can help you see things from a new perspective and generate new ideas.

To build your social capital:

  1. Network regularly: Attend events and meetups, join professional organizations, and make connections with people in your field.
  2. Be valuable: Offer to help others with their projects, offer advice, and be a supportive and encouraging presence in your network.
  3. Reach out to your existing network: Utilize your current network by asking for introductions, referrals, or informational interviews.

To begin building an online digital footprint:

  1. Develop a personal website: Create a website that showcases your skills, experience, and personality.
  2. Define your unique value proposition: Determine what sets you apart from others and what you can offer to others in your field or industry.
  3. Share your expertise: Share your knowledge and experience through writing articles, giving presentations, or participating in online communities.

The learnings from the event were both vast and deep. It motivated not just you, but us. It motivated us to keep on creating value for our readers – for you!

So we’re back again, with sessions from great thought leaders like Ken Coleman, Gorick Ng, Julia Korn, and David Andriate. And they all will be joined by Joel Bein.

Don’t miss it. Mark your calendar – Feb 9, 2023 (that’s tomorrow!)

Register now, and take action to supercharge your career!