One-on-One Coaching

01 Establish a coaching agreement


02 Set the goal/ outcome for the session


03 Identify and commit to action


04 Review and feedback

Get Started In Sales

Struggling to get into SaaS sales? 

Check out the Second Career SaaS Sales digital course. We’ll help you get there.

  • Learn the core skills you need for a career in SaaS sales 
  • Get set up with our tech partners
  • Get your certification
  • We’ll help you find a job

How To Pitch

The Guide To Winning Clients

  • Is it the right time to pitch?
  • How to ask for an opportunity to pitch?
  • Who are we pitching to & the type of pitch?
  • What makes a good pitch?

Sales Training

Building Your Sales Career

  • Learn new concepts from industry experts
  • Gain a foundational understanding of a subject or tool
  • Develop job-relevant skills with hands-on projects
  • Earn a shareable career certificate

Professional Selling

3 Steps to High-Performance Specialization

  • How to THINK like a high-performer.
  • How to PREPARE like a high-performer.
  • How to BE a high-performer.

Top Sales Coaches

Featured Coach

Hamish Stephenson

We can help develop your skills and find you a job in sales.

We can help you if you’re struggling with prospecting, sales process and/or closing.

We can recruit, train, coach and mentor you to become an elite seller.

Before starting, Hamish was a consistent top earner and elite seller. However, there was something missing in his career. He wanted to give something back to the community.

Hamish started because he found something lacking within the sales coaching and training industry. Innovation. Armed with years of top results, Hamish’s mission to build was spurred by his desire to upskill the industry and bring back the focus to coaching, training and development. 

Individual 1 on 1 Coaching

A deeper dive into your day to day, multi-million dollar prospecting strategies, or big picture problem solving within your role or revenue function. 

Hamish will have have completed advanced pre-research in preparation for call to leave you with actionable advice.

Topics we can cover:

  • Prospecting
  • Deal strategy
  • GTM planning
  • Personal branding
  • Job seeker strategy
  • Recruitment process
  • Any other items you’d like to discuss
Featured Coach

Dale Zwizinski

 Sales Leader and Strategist

After 20+ years of being in the sales profession and 10+ years in sales leadership, there have been patterns that have emerged which have been proven to drive and scale revenue within organizations. I work with C-level executives and founders to understand their “real” current state and map out an iterative process to scale the sales organization based on agreed-upon goals.

Corporate Sales Strategy

Dale Focuses On 4 Pillars To Scale Your Sales Organization

  • Setting Expectations
  • Data-Driven Decisions
  • Sales Pipeline
  • Alignment With Buyers
Featured Coach

Adam Jay

Increase Your Sales.

Transform the Way You Scale.

Unleash Your Full Potential.

Tired of advisors and coaches who don’t deliver? Adam has built teams who have collectively sold over $100M in ARR. Partner with Adam to increase your revenue, scale your startup, and take your leadership skills to the next level.

Individual 1 on 1 Coaching

Whether you are a leader or individual contributor, these sessions are designed to help you level up faster, achieve more, and grow your career – with actionable takeaways!

Topics Adam will cover:

  • Going from “manager” to leader”

  • Leadership best practices

  • How to lead effectively

  • Managing up, down, and sideways

  • How to create a “culture of coaching”

  • How to build a positive and authentic culture

  • Organizing your time

  • How to run tighter deal cycles and win more

  • Maximizing your 1:1s

  • Issue diagnosis as a leader

  • Getting promoted to the next role

Featured Coaches

Human Liberation with Joel Bein

Unleash your apprehension and doubt. Embrace your true self and be liberated.

Ashley Stahl Coaching

From Ashley and her team, learn how to find your purpose, land more job offers, and scale your business.

Ama La Vida Coaching

Ama La Vida exists to help you on your ongoing journey to become the person you want to be and to enjoy life to its fullest.

Coaching with Ken Coleman

Make your dream job a reality with Ken Coleman, a top coach and author of books like “From Paycheck to Purpose” and “The Proximity Principle.”

Inspiring Careers with Jérémy

Discover where you belong most in the world of work and be inspired. 

Kate at The Remote Nomad

Kate will teach you how to land remote jobs so you can create more freedom and flexibility in your life.

Career Contessa

This coaching platform offers a wealth of tools, articles, and career advice to help you navigate the professional world with confidence.

The Muse

With a team of experienced career coaches, they provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.

The Remote Job Coach with Jordan

Jordan Carroll is committed to helping people forge their paths and optimize for freedom and flexibility.

JT at Work It Daily

Through their comprehensive programs and resources, Work It Daily helps individuals refine their job search strategies, improve their professional skills, and build a strong personal brand.


Coaching4Good does more than help you with the nuts and bolts of landing a job. They help you find your purpose, define your values, and cultivate your WHY.

Pivot Journeys

Founded by Emily Lamia, her goal was to help people feel empowered and find meaningful work.

Austin Belcak at Cultivated Culture

Cultivated Culture is there to help you offer a wide variety of services, to get you land an exciting role, without even hitting the “apply” button!

Create Your Career Path

Create Your Career Path offers personalized career coaching to help you identify your passions, strengths, and career goals.

The Marketing Help

Participate in group coaching, or get exclusive one-on-one sessions. Get coached with at least 15 years of experience in marketing.

Career Foundry

Ready to break into the world of tech and design? Career Foundry is your pathway to a successful career in these fields.

The Daily Job Hunt

Join 125,000+ readers and get a kick in the inbox every morning.