This post originally appeared as issue 359 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt by Career Hackers

Target 1 Company

Go 100% in for just 1, dream opportunity.

Do research about a company, then send a pitch custom to them.

Stop playing the numbers game. Lay a job hunt foundation that works.

Use Loom (instead of a resume)

No, really, you can skip the resume.

Send a video, using

This. Is. How. You. Stand. Out.

“For months I was struggling to fit my traditional experiences into a resume and it simply didn’t work. With a video pitch, I was able to go from pitch to interview to offer within 24 hours. It felt like magic.”

(Learn more in our guide to pitching).

Clear Mental Blocks Forever

Ever get the sense that you’re “not good enough,” or “I can’t do it”?

I can remove that nonsense from your mind in 1 call.

Start now.

“It’s not just coaching, but Joel actually has the ability to solve the core internal issues in my mind and emotions, so that there is a permanent shift. I can’t recommend him enough.”

Quote of the Day

“The world is moving so fast that the person who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.”

— Elbert Hubbard