This post originally appeared as issue 371 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt by Career Hackers

Knock on the Door

What’s the one opportunity that’s a Heck Yes?

Are you knocking on the door?

Are you OPENING that door, and arriving with gifts?

Go after your Heck Yes!!

The “One-Page PDF” Hack

Nick Rundlett was applying to jobs, but he skipped the resume. Instead he created a profile, a video, and a body of work to prove his value.

Nick says,

“When I was applying to jobs, for the little required field that says, ‘Upload your resume,’ I would just make a one-sentence Word document–I named the document ‘see My Online Resume’–and then it was just a URL to [my video pitch].

I had about a sixty-percent response rate. I did not have to apply to a ton of places in order to get interviews and responses set up, which was great.”

Make a Video Profile

Here’s Waris’ video introducing himself to the market.

This. Is. Better. Than. A. Resume.

Quote of the Day

“The Preparation Mindset is the false belief many….people have that they need to jump through a bunch of hoops before they can start creating things. It’s a mixture of fear and laziness that is stamped into us from years of schooling and social incentives. It takes our goals and opportunities to the grave.”

— Derek Magill