Don’t Overthink the Job Hunt

Think clearly, act concisely.That’s a good formula for accomplishing most important goals – especially those that take multiple efforts and have a lot of unknowns. Like finding a job.The first thing you have to do is stop and think. Don’t just mindlessly ship out...

Storytelling is a Career Superpower

How many company “About” pages do you remember? Can you think of any companies off the top of your head who have an amazing story that stuck with you?Yet every company has a fascinating story. I used to interview lots of entrepreneurs and CEOs and I always found their...

Become the CEO of Me, Inc.

Rock star Gene Simons’ book, Me, Inc. is filled with inspiration for those who seek to take a self-directed approach to life.Simons grew up in poverty but was determined to build a better life for himself and his mother. Simons has no time for those who won’t help...

Read More to Learn More

Reading is one of the best ways to learn more about the world. There are experts who’ve poured hours of their life into writing a book. There are autobiographies and biographies of some of the most amazing people who’ve ever lived. Listen While Doing Mundane TasksBut,...