This post originally appeared as a 7-10 Weekend Issue of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Mindset for Success

Be Bold. Stop being tentative on your job hunt. You need to make it happen. So make sure you take charge and own your day!

Be Speedy. Be the first to apply. Follow up daily. Always email back immediately. Being quick and reliable is a great way to stand out on the job hunt.

Be Different. Show that you can do more than merely following direction. Take initiative. Reach out to a person. Pitch them your real self.

Quote of the Week

“If you show interest in the company by saying ‘I’m excited about your mission’ and then cite a couple of things that you’ve read about them, you’ve already put yourself at the top of the list for attention.”

― Silas Mahner