This post originally appeared as a 6-26 Weekend Issue of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Mindset for Success

You Are in Sales. Sales is not just a type of career. It’s how you land a job. You are selling a product and that product is you! Act accordingly.

Everything is a Signal. Your email address, your application, the questions you ask at the interview. Everything you do or don’t do is a signal about you and the value you can create. Make sure it’s intentional.

There is no Safe Path. Standing out may seem scary, but remember: you’re always at risk. There is no safe path. Do what everyone else is doing and you risk being ignored. So better take the risk with the best payoff.

Quote of the Week

“The old way of sending out a hundred resumes is completely dead. That is the most average strategy, and it’s going to lead to the most average result. And if you want to radically improve your chances at getting a job you actually like, you have to do something to stand out from the crowd.”

― Nick Rundlett