This post originally appeared as a 3-12 weekend issue of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt

Mindsets for Success

Startup Jobs
Startup jobs are everywhere. Why not go land one? Especially in today’s remote economy, the opportunity is abundant.

“Startup” just means fast-growing company. No matter your past experience, if you show enthusiasm and send a custom pitch, you can land an interview.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.
And neither will your dream career. So how can you play the long game, and over time, dial in a life full of meaning and aliveness?

Be sure to remove stuff you hate. Then each day, keep dialing it in. Keep making progress.

The Gift of a Gift

When’s the last time you got a personal card in your physical snail mailbox?

Maybe it was a wedding invitation, or maybe even a handwritten letter from an old friend.

Chances are when you saw that envelope, you felt thrilled! It was a rare little surprise, and it really stood out amongst the junk mail and utility bills.

So…how could you recreate that experience for a hiring manager?

Think about how many boring resumes they get in their email inbox or job application portal.

What if you sent a personalized project with their name on it? What if you gave a gift just for that company?

– A mock customer service script
– A list of leads
– A new Chatbot
– An SEO analysis
– An email drip series

That would make their day.

And it would be a gift for yourself, too, because it feels exciting to be creative. It feels invigorating to give someone a special treat.

On your job hunt, give yourself a gift by giving a gift to a company.

and the DJH team.

Quote of the Week

“The mistake ninety-nine percent of humanity made….was being ashamed of what they were; lying about it, trying to be somebody else.”
― J.K. Rowling, The Casual Vacancy