This post originally appeared as a 09-18 weekend issue of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.
Mindset for Success
Testimonial Of You. When is the last time you bought something online and didn’t look at the reviews? Exactly. Social proof is huge. This is no different for hiring. So take a few moments to think of a person who knows your professional skills and attitude. Then reach out and request a few sentences from them (e.g. a LinkedIN recommendation). Don’t be shy, this stuff works!
“I Went Ahead.” This is one of the best phrases you can live by on your job hunt.
“I went ahead and made you a chatbot for you website.”
“I went ahead and did this SEO analysis for you.”
“I went ahead and created a two-week content calendar for you.”
Create value without permission and everyone will love you.
Links worth checking out
- 5 Ways to Land a Job with Twitter (5 min article)
- Exclusive Job Hunting Crash Course (online course)
- How Social Proof is different from References (3 min article)
Quote of the Week
“You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”
— James Clear