This post originally appeared as issue 84 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Tortoise and the Hare

The Hare sends as many resumes as possible and then sits back and relaxes, assuming he’ll get the job.

The Tortoise slowly, steadily, and intentionally crafts a tailored pitch to one target company. He continues to follow up and persist until he gets the interview. Then he keeps at it by sending a 30-day action plan and proving he is the best candidate.

The Tortoise gets hired.

Oh, and while it took more effort upfront, the job hunt lasted just a few days start to finish for the Tortoise.

(The Hare will be unemployed another 8 months).

You Don’t Need a Resume, Experience, OR a College Degree

Forget about credentials and “experience.”

Anyone can build a better signal and prove their value. And if you need more persuasion read this post, Your College Degree is Worthless. Because it is. ; )

“Employers use degrees [on job postings] because they’ve seen a correlation (not causation) between degree holders and minimum threshold of employability over non-degree holders, on average.  Not because college does something to make people better at their work.  Employers know it does nothing of the sort.

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