This post originally appeared as issue 77 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Think from their viewpoint

Imagine being that hiring manager and opening your inbox one morning. You see an email that says, “I want to work for you”. You click it. It contains a very short message,

Hey Joe! I love what Acme is doing in the anvil building industry. I’ve been a huge fan ever since I was a kid watching cartoons and am thrilled by your new initiative to bring Acme to new industries. Here’s a little something I made for you: LINK”


They talked about you, not them, and they clearly actually know a bit about the company. They made you something! But what is it? Would you click?

Hiring managers do. Almost every single time.

You’d respond. How do we know? Because 80% of hiring managers do. And 35% will request an interview.

The End of Jobs

It’s the 21st century. The traditional job working for 30 years, then getting a pension? That’s dead. Now, it’s about solving particular problems. It’s about results created, not time served.

But that’s not bad news…it’s good news! You can now create a meaningful career by choosing your prospects.

Taylor Pearson’s 2015 book The End of Jobs, is a great read on this.

“Freedom and meaning aren’t something to be put off until after you’re rich—they help you get rich.”

Meme of the Day