This post originally appeared as issue 75 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.
1440 minutes
Just because it’s Friday doesn’t mean you ease off on your productivity.
There are 1440 minutes in a day.
How will you use them?
In the interview, show, don’t tell
If you say “I’m a hard worker” in a job interview, it doesn’t mean much. If you tell a story about a time you worked hard, that means much more.
Always give examples in your job interviews!
See this short post, 5 Interview Mistakes People Make.
“The example you use to back up your claim should depend on the role you’re applying for. If you’re interviewing for a marketing role, your example of being a hard worker might include the time where you mapped out and executed a social media strategy for sharing blog content in order to increase traffic on top of your regular, daily responsibilities. If you’re interviewing for an operations role, you might use a different example, like working for a catering business during wedding season.”
Quote of the Day
“If you do things that are safe but feel risky, you gain a significant advantage in the marketplace.”
― Taylor Pearson, The End of Jobs