This post originally appeared as issue 72 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Be Playful

Little kids don’t make to-do lists.

They go explore, have fun, follow their curiosity, and trust themselves.

They play and live in the moment!

Of course, as a grown-up you want to manage your tasks, stay organized, and that jazz.

But what if you let go of being so “responsible” for the things you “have to” do?

Put your little-kid hat on while you job hunt. Experiment with fun ways to stand out, try stuff, let yourself fail, and allow your curiosity drive everything.

It’ll ease your stress, and boost your effectiveness, too.

Do a Blogging Challenge

We’ve helped thousands of people land jobs without resumes or degrees. One of the best tools we’ve seen to jumpstart a creative mindset is the 30-day blogging challenge.

Publish a blog post every day for 30 days. It’ll change your life, really. You’ll build consistency, perseverance, writing skills, and learn to put yourself out there. Not to mention building a portfolio to show companies.

Here are posts and podcasts all about this:

Quote of the Day

“Our future is entirely within our own control. It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power.”

― Charles F. Haanel, The Master Key System