This post originally appeared as issue 68 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Do Stuff Right in Front of You

Instead of “picking a career,” just start doing projects.

– Design a logo for a business.

Blog every day for 30 days.

– Do photography at an event for free and give the photo album to the organizers.

– Pitch a company, even if you’re “not qualified,” learn on the job, and then document your learning.

Over time, you’ll build a body of work. That you can call that your “career.”

Work with us, 1 on 1

In case you missed it, we’re now doing 1 on 1 coaching sessions. If you think the DJH is helpful, our coaching will 10X that.

Apply here.

(P.S. You can get a free 15 minute job hunt consult after you apply. No brainer).

How to Get a Job in 5 Steps

Check out this quick 5 video playlist on how to find and land an awesome job.

Step 1: roles
Step 2: opportunities
Step 3: pitch
Step 4: work
Step 5: Find the Hiring Manager

The playlist will take 12 minutes to watch. Half the time you already scrolled on Facebook today. Let’s go. Watch it.

Meme of the Day