1% a Day

Polish your LinkedIn profile by 1%.
Read 1 page of a book.
Write the first half of an email to a human you want to invite on your podcast.
Ping that new connection with a thank you note
Draft 3 points for what you’ll say on a video pitch
Start researching how to build a website

Just make 1% progress a day. I dare you.

End the Sunday Night Dread – Build a Career in Tech

Are you bored or frustrated with your work? Do you still feel that “Sunday Night Dread?”

What if you took back control of your future, and made an exit plan?

Start building skills in a growing field, like software engineering. 

Enter Flatiron School’s Software Engineering course.

Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is crafted for anyone.

You’ll learn by doing. Throughout the course, if you’re not building and refining code for apps or websites, you’ll be studying, practicing, or attending lectures to learn different coding languages.

Don’t look back years from now and regret staying in a crappy situation.

Start learning software engineering in as little as 15 weeks. 

Apply today to get started.

Document Your Work (4 Reasons Why)

Showing your work is 100x better than relying on a cover letter or resume. What can you document to signal your value and growth mindset?

Read more in Document Your Work (4 Reasons Why).

“I once heard it said that if you haven’t blogged this month, you’re not alive.

That’s pretty far-fetched, but there is a valid point: if you’re not showing your work, how will people know you’re doing something?

Enter documentation.

It shows you’re doing something.

People like people who can do things.”


Quote of the Day

“There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.”

— Brian Tracy


The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌