Be More Playful

Little kids aren’t “working hard” as they create and build to their hearts desire.

Why does that need to change once you hit adulthood?

It doesn’t. Just re-connect with your inner child and be more playful in your job hunt or career.

You just may be more productive, not less.

End the Sunday Night Dread – Build a Career in Tech

Are you bored or frustrated with your work? Do you still feel that “Sunday Night Dread?”

What if you took back control of your future, and made an exit plan?

Start building skills in a growing field, like software engineering. 

Enter Flatiron School’s Software Engineering course.

Whether you have zero coding knowledge, are self-taught, or are somewhere in between, this course is crafted for anyone.

You’ll learn by doing. Throughout the course, if you’re not building and refining code for apps or websites, you’ll be studying, practicing, or attending lectures to learn different coding languages.

 Don’t look back years from now and regret staying in a crappy situation.

Start learning software engineering in as little as 15 weeks. 

Apply today to get started.

Is Free Work Exploitation?

Doing free work will supercharge your career. But you need to get over the “but what if I get exploited” concern.

Charlie Hoehn will help you with that in this 1 minute clip.


Quote of the Day

“Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.”

— Les Brown

The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌