Learn On Your Own
In school they taught you to memorize dates and math formulas.
Not very useful for your career.
But that’s okay, you are still empowered to learn relevant skills on your own.
You can take a course, try a 30-day PDP, and document your work to build a portfolio and be your own credential. No school needed.
What will you learn this week, month, or year?
Short Little Custom Pitch Deck
Check out how Joe Pas made custom pitch decks like this when he was on the job hunt.
In his case, he accompanied his deck with a Loom video to combine the power of video and slides.
But there’s no right way to job hunt! Just get creative.
Meme of the Day
The Career Hackers Revolution
- Career hacking is about the relentless pursuit of discovering and doing what makes you come alive. Here are the core principles in the Career Hackers Manifesto.
- See two of our top posts: How to Make a Video Pitch and 100 Ways to Work Out Loud, so you can skip the resume and degree and be your own credential. See more on the Start Here page.
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- Want audio? Head to the Daily Job Hunt Podcast.