This post originally appeared as issue 58 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

DJH on Product Hunt

Hey! Today we launched the DJH on Product Hunt! We’ve got a new referral page where you can send your friend to sign up.

And there’s a bonus: when you refer a friend today, they get a free 15 minute career consult.

Wanna head over there and tell the PH community what you think of us? Speak your truth. Pros and cons.

Thanks for being awesome!

Your Job Hunt is a Sales Process

Sales is not just a type of career. It’s how you land a job. You are selling a product and that product is you!

Two key ways to do this:
– Follow up repeatedly
– Be personal in your outreach

In this post, Bradley Metz shares how he employed this strategy and landed 5 interviews in a week. (You can too).

Quote of the Day

“The old way of sending out a hundred resumes is completely dead. That is the most average strategy, and it’s going to lead to the most average result. And if you want to radically improve your chances at getting a job you actually like, you have to do something to stand out from the crowd.”

Nick Rundlett