Be Playful (like you were once upon a time)

Remember as a little kid you’d just… play?

Play is doing and creating fun things for the sake of doing them.

What types of play did you do as a kid?

Can you reconnect with that, and start to integrate it into your life and career?

-build extra projects just for fun, to see what happens
-start a Youtube channel talking about your favorite sports team
make a pitch video and add some humor into it

P.S. Related, check out Charlie Hoehn’s book, Play it Away: A Workholic’s Cure for Anxiety

How to Break Into Copywriting

If you want a copywriting career, then just start copywriting, for free.

Start making mock ads, and pitch it to companies!

Learn more in my convo with Corey Haines from a few months ago.

P.S. Here’s an entry-level copywriting role listed right now. Why not pitch ’em?

Quote of the Day

“If it ain’t fun, don’t do it.”

— Jack Canfield

The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌