Take Action Haiku

Go and take action
Don’t consume more, just create
Will you, just will you?

Emails That Get Results: Tips for Writing Effective Emails

To excel in the modern landscape, learn to be effective in email with these tips.

“In today’s busy world, people don’t have time to read long, rambling emails. (if you write a long essay – it’ll get ignored!).”

Do you want more from your career?

UX/UI design is an in-demand field where you can pursue a creative career and earn a lucrative income—all while making an impact on the products and world around you.

Join UX Academy by Designlab, and you could be applying for your first role as a UX/UI designer in as little as 6-8 months.

If you’re ready to pursue a more rewarding career in UX/UI design, start here.

“The mentorship and Slack community were extremely helpful…. I wouldn’t have landed two paid freelance UX gigs (while still in the bootcamp) without them. These real-life work experiences helped me talk through my interviews and land a full-time job offer within one month of graduation.”

— Doris, Designlab grad

Quote of the Day

“Sometimes you have to be satisfied. You try hard enough. Don’t be so self-critical; don’t be so hard on yourself.”

— Billie Jean King

The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌