Go the Extra Mile

What if you went the extra mile in your job?

  • Create an extra project no one assigned you to
  • Go out of your way to build social capital with a colleague
  • Mock up a new website design
  • Write a blog post about why you enjoy working at your company

You might say, “what’s the point of doing extra work?”

To that I say, “what new level of fulfillment will you feel by creating value without permission?”

It’s Not Your Job to Tell Yourself “No.”

How many times have you given up, or never even started the thing you want, be it pitching a dream job, starting a business, or asking out someone on a date.

You’re getting in your own way, by saying “no” to yourself.

Here’s a simple tip from James Clear on how to break that habit.

“From what I can tell, we all doubt ourselves from time to time. The problem, of course, is that telling yourself no prevents you from getting started at all. When you decide not to act, you deny yourself opportunities.”

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