All is Well Haiku

All is well, right now
The universe loves you, yes
Trust yourself, will you?

Do This 1 Thing Every Day to Land Your Dream Job

Landing your dream job doesn’t need to be a “someday/maybe” idea.

You can start going for it, now.

The key is learn the right way to fall in love with a company, to get the flames going. That might mean getting a little obsessive.

Read JT O Donnell’s post. Do This 1 Thing Every Day to Land Your Dream Job

“Finding your dream job starts with learning the right way to fall in love with employers. By developing a ‘crush,’ your desire and motivation to get a job with them will significantly increase.”

CH Guide to Cover Letters

We have a take on cover letters you ain’t never heard before.

Check it out.

Fuel Your Mind, Free Your Mind

If you want to come alive in your life and career, then you need:

A) a fresh, 21st century empowered mindset
B) to remove the old mindset we learned in school!

That’s where Human Liberation comes in, our new coaching service designed to pluck out old, subconscious beliefs from the root, freeing you to become who you were meant to be.

Learn more.

Quote of the Day

“Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.”

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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