This post originally appeared as issue 53 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Tell ’em why you love them


When you reach out to a company, start by telling them why you genuinely love them.

That’s today’s tip.

Is it Time for a Big Leap?

We love preaching the power of daily small actions to grow your career over time. But as our founder Isaac says, sometimes you need to do something BIG:

“Do you need to:

  • Quit your job?
  • Find another job?
  • Start a company?
  • Begin freelancing?
  • Start side projects?”

This is Career Crashers Podcast episode 40. It’s 25 minutes. Listen now, at lunch, or when driving today. It could change your life.

Quote of the Day

“This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.”― Tyler Durden, Fight Club