Start Doing the Work

The first time I pitched free work was when a podcaster I was following announced he was looking for someone to write blog articles for him.

But I not only pitched him to work for free, I wrote a blog article for him up front.

That’s what made me stand out.

Will you be different, and go the extra mile?

CH Classic: The Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time

If you want to create value for a company, you need to concentrate. That may seem obvious, but in today’s world it’s more essential than ever.

Read more in this CH Classic.

“Multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40%.”

Stop Waiting for Perfect

In this post, Mitchell Earl reminds us to hold a bias for action. Let go of perfectionism!

“You don’t need to wait until your idea is perfect. It isn’t yet. (And it’ll take on a hundred more versions until you get it right.)

Whatever idea you have floating around in your noggin’, stop putting it off.”

Fuel Your Mind, Free Your Mind

If you want to come alive in your life and career, then you need:

A) a fresh, 21st century empowered mindset
B) to remove the old mindset we learned in school!

That’s where Human Liberation comes in, our new coaching service designed to pluck out old, subconscious beliefs from the root, freeing you to become who you were meant to be.

Learn more.

Quote of the Day

“The biggest mistake you can make in life is to settle for a job you don’t love.”

—Richard Branson

The Career Hackers Revolution‌ ‌‌