Build Social Capital at the Start

If you want to break into a role at a company you love, start building social capital in simple ways with people at the company.

– write a blog post about why you love the company and give it as a gift (with no ask)
– respect people’s time by writing short and clear emails
– be fun, enthusiastic, and easygoing
– give praise on the company’s or employee’s social media posts

This is simple stuff but will help build goodwill and “warm you up” for a future pitch!

Then when you send a pitch, make it short, simple, and clear, just enough to spark curiosity to have a quick call. 🙂

Read Read Read

Are you reading daily? If you’re in a growth mindset, you’ll read 5-10 pages a day of a personal/professional development book.

That will feed your mind and transform you over time.

We’re continually adding new recs to our Top Books page. Grab a book there today.

A few ideas:
Daily Rituals by Mason Currey
The Last Safe Investment by Michael Ellsburg and Bryan Franklin
Don’t Do Stuff You Hate by Isaac Morehouse and Mitchell Earl

*Nothing Is Out of Your League

You might think “I’m not qualified” to start a career in tech, (e.g. Product Management).

“It’s out of my league,” you might say.

It makes sense if you feel that way. If your current career is working at Target, for example, a remote job helping build web apps at an innovative startup….well that might seem distant to you! But it’s not as distant as you think. The soft skills you’ve built can transfer!

And that’s where Co.Lab comes in. Even with absolutely zero experience, Co.Lab’s 4-week Sprint program gives you the chance to work on real-world projects.

You’ll get to lead a cross-functional team in building and shipping an MVP (minimum viable product) for actual customers. Plus you’ll surround yourself with a powerful community of peers and top tech leaders so you can kickstart your career in Product Management..

By committing just 2-5 hours a week for 4 weeks, you can build that portfolio that will blow hiring managers’ socks off.

And at only $500, it’s a low-cost investment, with a high ROI for your career. It pays for itself with all the skills you’ll gain in return.

Use code CAREERHACKERS for an extra $50 off.

Apply now.

*sponsored post

Quote of the Day

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

― Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

The Career Hackers Revolution‌