Bad Days Happen

Have you had a “bad day” recently?

It happens….forgive yourself, let it go, and love the messiness that is being human.

Don’t pretend it didn’t happen, but rather allow the disappointment to pass through you.

Then…onwards and upwards!

There’s a reason your car’s rearview mirror is a lot smaller than its windshield.

“I’m just doing my job.”

“Doing your job” is a 20th century cog-in-a-wheel mindset.

What if you re-framed your approach?

Seth Godin invites food for thought in this short post.

“What if you replaced ‘doing’ with ‘improving’ or ‘reinventing’ or ‘transforming’?”

“But I Need Experience First!” – The Classic Catch-22  

It can be tough to break into that first role. The company wants someone with experience, but you need a job in order to gain experience!

This is especially true for a career switch into Product Management, which has no standard path to break in.

What do you do?

The key is to do real projects, learn by doing and prove your ability to create value. (We talk about that a lot, don’t we?)

This is exactly what the Sprint program with Co.Lab offers.

Co.Lab is a special place. You get to focus on product strategy, and then move towards leading a cross-functional team in building and shipping a real MVP (minimum viable product). You’ll surround yourself with a powerful community of peers and top tech leaders so you can kickstart your career in Product Management (PM).  

Alum from Co.Lab work at companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Shopify, and more.

By committing just 2-5 hours a week for 4 weeks, you can build that PM Portfolio that will blow hiring managers’ socks off.

And at only $500, it’s a low-cost investment, with a high ROI for your career.

Plus, you can use code CAREERHACKERS for an extra $50 off.

The next cohort begins Feb. 20. No experience or prerequisites needed to join.

Apply now.

Quote of the Day

“There are many roads to prosperity, but one must be taken. Inaction leads nowhere.”
― Robert Zoellick

Supercharge Your Career – Live Virtual Event – Feb. 9

Bulletproof your career mindset. Feel energized with top thought leaders like Ken Coleman, Gorick Ng, and Julia Korn.

Register now!

The Career Hackers Revolution‌