Do you need a backup plan?

The truth is Plan B will probably pull your attention from your Plan A.

What if you let go of needing a backup plan? What if you set sail and trust the winds will catch you?

There’s nothing wrong with a backup plan – do what works for you (this applies to all advice, by the way).

But maybe life is so short that going 110% into your dreams is worth doing.

23 Tips to Crush your Career in 2023

It’s a fresh new year and the world is rapidly changing. What mindset will you take on? Who will you become?

Here are 23 Tips to Crush Your Career in 2023.

“Forget waiting to “win the job.” Just starting doing the job without permission. Make a custom project like an SEO analysis, new landing page, mock ad, list of leads, mock customer support call script, new logo, or a blog post about why you love that company. They’ll love it!”

*Where Will You be in 1 Year?

We overestimate what we can do in 1 day, and underestimate what we can accomplish in 1 year.

So as you kick off 2023 with big plans to change your life, be sure to pace yourself.

That’s what Springboard can do in 11 months for you, with their Foundation to Core program to launch into a web development career.

Starting from ground zero (no skills), working a little bit each day, each week, and each month, you could look up on New Year’s Day 2024 with an amazing new job and career.

You’ll start by mastering basic Javascript, HTML, and CSS, and then pass the skills survey before starting the core curriculum.

As a 100% online and self-paced program, you can choose your hours and work around your current responsibilities (be it another job, a family, or…. walking your beloved dog).

Plus, you’ll be guaranteed a job or your tuition will be refunded.

Apply now. Use code CAREERHACKERSSB for $500 off tuition.

(A year from now, you will wish you had started today).

*sponsored post

Pleasantly Persistent: 5 Rules for Effectively Following Up

It’s easy to fall into the trap that “it’s annoying” to keep following up on the job hunt. But rest assured, it’s okay to keep emailing until you get a response.

Here are 5 Rules for Effectively Following Up.

“So, to the question: Should you follow up?

Absolutely. In fact, it’s your job.

And how often should you do so? My philosophy is: as many times as it takes. The important thing is to do it the right way. Or, as I call it, to be ‘pleasantly persistent.'”

Quote of the Day

“There’s no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A. “
– Will Smith

Funny Clip of the Day (just because who doesn’t want to laugh really hard)

The Career Hackers Revolution‌

  • Career hacking is about the relentless pursuit of discovering and doing what makes you come alive. Here are the core principles in the Career Hackers Manifesto.‌
  • Keep the convo going. Follow us on TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • Sick and tired of your negative self-talk? Sign up for a free trial of 1-1 coaching.‌‌‌
  • Tired of getting ghosted on your job hunt? Our friend David used Video Resumes to land his last two jobs and double his salary in one year!  He’s just written an eBook that tells how he did it and ways that anyone can use a video resume to get their next job. There are some valuable tips and examples for anyone who wants to start creating video resumes. You can get 50% off this eBook with the code: CareerHackers

  • See two of our top posts: How to Make a Video Pitch and 100 Ways to Work Out Loud, so you can skip the resume and degree and be your own credential. ‌‌‌
  • Want audio? Head to the Daily Job Hunt Podcast.‌‌‌