This post originally appeared as issue 41 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Play the Long Game

Job hunting doesn’t need to take long. We see people who send video pitches get hired within 18 days on average. (One guy sent a pitch and was hired within 24 hours).

And yet, it’s worth remembering: play the long game.

Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’s and work furiously and sloppily, looking for a quick win. Pace yourself.

Gradually, learn about the problems a company has. Patiently, kindle relationships with employees. Persistently, send follow up emails, even over several weeks.

Work steadily, knowing the floodgates WILL fly open.

As you cultivate this mindset, the very act of delayed gratification becomes its own short-term pleasure.

Swing at the piñata

Swing at the piñata, over and over. Eventually, it will burst.

Hear out this 15 minute podcast on how to execute on your dreams.

Quote of the Day

“If you’re not motivated, get to work! Let your motivation come from doing the work.”
– Ed Mylett