This post originally appeared as issue 373 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt by Career Hackers

Be Secure Forever

Even if you’re employed right now, a part of you may be worried about “what will I do if I lose my job?”. You might be insecure about your ability to find that next role.

How do you let go of this?

Master the value creation mindset we teach here at the DJH and Career Hackers.

If you know how to solve problems and pitch yourself based on that value, you will be an in-demand human, no matter the economy.

Job security is not an external thing, it’s an internal thing.

Social Capital Social Capital

Isaac goes to town about how investing in social capital – your relationships with others – is maybe the highest value play you can make for your life and career.

See his LinkedIn post.

“A simple smile and a handshake is worth a little.  A interesting conversation is worth more.  Connecting them to an idea or person of value to their goals, offering insightful feedback, or helping them achieve something can be worth quite a bit.”

Don’t Say This in the Job Interview

Career superstar Madeline Mann reminds you what to never say in the job interview.

Check out the 12 min. video.

Clear Mental Blocks Forever

Ever get the sense that you’re “not good enough,” or “I can’t do it”?

I can remove that nonsense from your mind in 1 call.

Start now.

“It’s not just coaching, but Joel actually has the ability to solve the core internal issues in my mind and emotions, so that there is a permanent shift. I can’t recommend him enough.”

Not sure? Book a free 15 min. consult call.

Quote of the Day

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.”
– Margaret Mead