This post originally appeared as issue 352 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.
Do What Everyone Else is NOT Doing
Maybe you sense everyone else is shriveling up, entering a fear state about the economy and the job market.
What if you did the exact opposite?
What if you took the lead, and set your course with definiteness of purpose?
You are not a statistic, you are an individual.
Companies want value creators, no matter the time period.
Be different. Be bold.
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5 Questions to Ask If You Don’t Love Your Job
Listen to this quick podcast from Alex Lieberman, co-founder of Morning Brew and host of Founder’s Journal Podcast.
He asks great questions for you to ponder if you don’t love your job right now.
#1: Do you have the need or the luxury to love your job?
#2: What don’t you love about your job?
#3: What are my options?
#4: What do you need in order to love your job?
#5: What are the risks of pursuing something different than the status quo?
Quote of the Day
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
— Wayne Dyer