This post originally appeared as issue 340 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt by Career Hackers

Feel the Fear

Stop trying to “conquer” your fear and get rid of it.

Just allow it to be there.

Then act anyway.

Level Up Your Instagram Brand?

The Deliberate Zoomer Podcast focuses on career growth for young professionals in GenZ. But there’s lots to learn no matter your age! See this show on How to Build an Instagram Brand.

A New Trajectory for Your Family?

You seriously could make $200,000+ just by choosing your attitude.

That’s the trajectory of a tech sales career.

Tech sales isn’t rocket science, it simply asks of you soft skills like growth mindset, grit, persistence, listening, communication, and consistency.

All those soft skills are available to you to develop, if you choose.

Start now with the new Springboard Tech Sales Bootcamp. No college degree or experience needed.

In just a 3 month, part-time time investment, you’ll be ready to launch into an entry-level Sales Development Role, likely making $70K+ in the first year.

In a few years, you could be making a quarter million (by moving into an Account Executive role).

How could that financial power affect you and your family? How could that build generational wealth?

Maybe it’s time to take the first step.

Apply now for the next monthly cohort. Spots are limited.

Quote of the Day

“The single most important trait for success is Self-Discipline. Everything else takes care of itself if you have this.”

― Ed Latimore