This post originally appeared as issue 332 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

The Daily Job Hunt by Career HackersThe Daily Job Hunt by Career Hackers


Work with purpose today. Go!

Create a Career That Lights You Up

Ashley Stahl is a career coach you want to follow. She’ll inspire you to get clear on what you want, boost your brand, and also encourage you to take care of your mental health and wellness.

Check out her job hunt blog, her quiz to find your authentic career, her You Turn Podcast, and way more.

Dive in.

Ashley Stahl and Career Hackers

Why Product Hunt is the Coolest Place to Grow Your Career

On Product Hunt you can not only hunt for products, but build rapport with tech-founders, learn from a community, and find jobs.

Check out Why Product Hunt is the Coolest Place to Grow Your Career.

Product Hunt and Career Hackers

Quote of the Day

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
— Lao Tzu