This post originally appeared as issue 306 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Curiosity Haiku

People, companies, role types.
It’s the seed of joy.

Do Free Work

The best way to break into a company is to just start working for them, without permission.

Do projects. Make a mock script. Write a blog post. Design a logo.

This is known as Free Work.

Learn about it on the Do Free Work Page on Career Hackers. (You can also use the search bar to find tons more posts).


Launch your career without college.

Praxis is a year-long business driven apprenticeship program that combines a professional bootcamp and a full-time paid job at a high-growth startup.

The program offers a direct route into entrepreneurial careers for ambitious young adults – without the cost or hassle of college.

Learn more here.

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Quote of the Day

“This is your life. You are responsible for it. You will not live forever. Don’t wait.”

― Natalie Goldberg