This post originally appeared as issue 294 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Stand Out

I like to wear walk barefoot on the grass. It feels good.

And it makes me look weird. I stand out. People look at me funny.

But I own it. Because I want to be myself.

I want to be free.

When you let yourself stand out, you feel more joy, more self-esteem.

Why not stand out in your career or job hunt?

Start Your Website!

If you look up me or anyone on our team on Google, you’ll first see “”

That’s because we value the signal of a personal/professional brand. And it’s where we can blog and build a portfolio.

Personally, I use Bluehost for my hosting. It’s user friendly with 24/7 support if needed.

Will you start a website? Just make 1% progress today.

Start now.

Bluehost for your Career by Career Hackers

Meme of the Day

Amber head meme on career by Career Hackers