This post originally appeared as issue 279 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.

Career Hackers, Daily job Hunt

Create a Screencast

Challenge for this weekend: create a 1-minute screencast demonstrating your ability to use a software tool, e.g. Text Expander or Ahrefs or Mailchimp.

Even if it’s not perfect, the very act of creating this screencast will prove your value to companies. Use Loom to record it.

Need to learn the tool first? Go on YouTube and watch a quick tutorial video.

Not sure which tool to learn? Check out our Guides. (Or email me back).

100 Ways to Learn Out Loud

You want to prove your value by building an online footprint of projects. It sends a strong signal once that potential employer looks you up!

A great way to do that is to simply document what you’re learning.

Here are 100 Ways to Learn Out Loud. Bookmark this one.

Quote of the Day

“Don’t wait until you know who you are to get started.”
— Austin Kleon