This post originally appeared as issue 255 of the Daily Job Hunt email. Sign up for kick-butt career hype in your inbox each morning.


Low confidence can stem from one reason:

You assume your past will repeat itself in the future, e.g.,

– You showed up late to appointments, so you assume that’s who you are forever.

– You felt insecure talking to the girl, so you think you’ll never be good at it.

– You botched the job interview, so you assume you suck at interviewing forever.

What if these events were just opportunities to learn, and obstacles to overcome, not symbols of who you are?

Keep learning, keep growing.

You are the master of your own fate.

A Secret to Interviews

Be so prepared that you are like a singer who knows a song by heart.

That’s a secret to crushing the interview.

Joey explains in this 2-minute post.

“Make the hiring manager’s job easy by making it clear to them how much they need you on their team. Don’t be cocky, but be prepared for that specific opportunity. Be so good at showing your excitement and your ability to create value that, even without experience, they can’t help but give you the part.”

P.S. You gotta check out Joey’s Crash profile.

Quote of the Day

“The meaning of happiness consists in three elements — freedom, gratitude, and the sense of wonder.”
― Alan Watts